Wednesday 30 May 2012

Roof Finished

17-05-2012 - Roof is now finished.




Tuesday 15 May 2012

Roofing Update

15-05-2012 - The roofers have finished about 95% of the roof now. Just the Portico and a little bit above the master bedroom to go.

Roof Update

13-05-2012 - The guys have started sheeting the roof. We are using a 55mm roofing blanket under the sheets to improve the thermal performance of the house.

Over the weekend I extended the openings on double roller door. The frames were made with only a 2.1m opening for the roller doors. This was just a little small considering our 2.7m wall heights.

Bottom Plate removed
I managed to squeeze an extra 200mm into the opening, bringing the total height to 2.3m. This will still leave a nice 2 1/2 brick header course above the doors.

All Done
I ran out of daylight on Sunday so I'll have to tackle the second smaller roller door during the week.
Original Height on the single door, and new height on the double door.

Thursday 10 May 2012

Roofing Started

10-05-2012 - We have had a few small hiccups with the trusses and the frames. Extra bracing was required but not sent with the frames, and a couple of the trusses were made with the base plate bent. The chippies have been really good and have worked through these problems and fixed everything.

The roofers showed up today and started on the battens, fascia and gutters.

Trusses Finished

Trusses 99% done now.. There just needs to be a few small changes with the lintels in the out door area.


5-05-2012 - Trusses just about finished.