Thursday 19 April 2012

Framing Started

19-04-2012 - After about a week of delays because of some messurment issues the frames have shown up on site. The chippies were on site straight away and marked out the slab.

About 30 minutes after taking the photo we had about 20mm of rain. Its a little frustrating as we have had perfect weather for the last week but no frames, now we have frames but bad weather... All the same the guys were able to start on standing up the frames.

Its a great feeling to walk through at least a small part of the house, having looked at it only on paper for the last 18 months I think its finally hit home that it is starting to come together. Also physically seeing the room sizes and layout is great, as with no real design experience its very hard to visualise how everything is going to work.
The trusses were scheduled to be delivered next week, but as you can see in the above photo they have been dropped off sometime late in the afternoon today..

Termite protection barrier

12-04-2012 - The guys put the Kordon Termite Barrier down ready for the frame to be installed.

Saturday 14 April 2012

Concrete Pour

31-03-2012 - A day that we just about didn't think would happen..
The slab pour started at 5:00am with the concrete pump setup and some final adjustments for external sliding door recesses.

Dan organised 4 other concreter's to come on the day, and our friends Rob and Scott also showed up to help.

Start of the pour

All 60.9 cubic meters of concrete down.

Slab all done.
Over the next few days we kept water on the slab to help it cure.

It was a huge 8 days from start to finish and both Dan and Dennis put in a massive effort to get the job done.

Concrete Setup

We spent the rest of the week boxing up the slab, laying the trench mesh, reinforcing mesh, plastic and shower recesses. We were lucky to have the boxing and pickets loaned to us from friends.
It was a huge week of work, with Dan often working 14-15 hour days between his normal job and getting our slab ready.

Also the first stage of the kordon termite barrier was installed around the sub drain pipes.

This photo was taken on Friday the 30th of March, ready for the concrete the next morning.

Edge Beams

26-03-2012 - Dennis and I spent the day helping with the edge beam dig out and spreading the sand base around. After Dan finished work he came up with a laser lever and screeded the sand to the right level

Thursday 12 April 2012

Pier Holes Poured

24-03-2012 - With a 6:30am start Dan and I poured the pier hole with concrete.
Not a huge job, but important to get the heights correct.

We also marked out the slab boundaries ready for edge beams to be dug on Monday.

Concrete Started - Pier Holes

A good friend of ours, Dan is organising the concrete slab. On the 23-03-2012 he arranged for the pier holes to be dug. Jodie's father, Dennis and I help with cleaning out the excess dirt from the holes and measuring their depth.

It took about 4:30 hours to dig the 46 pier holes required, with the deepest measuring in at 3.4 meters.

Building Started... 22-03-2012

 We are officially away and building now....

The plumbers came onsite on the 22-03-2012 and started the sub drains.
All went well, and the guy were very professional. They ran their pipes exactly where I wanted them and the return to the front of the block is well out of the way for any future drive ways or other works.

Running out from the house

Down past the well

Out to the front